Here Comes The Bride: Budget Minded and Stylish Ideas

1960s vintage straw pillbox hat {eBay}

1960s vintage white leopard spotted sleeveless dress with waist-tie {eBay}

vintage 1950s Emma Domb of California wedding gown {eBay}

vintage 1940s rhinestone clamper bracelet {Nouveau Motley} $150.00

vintage 1900s pink velvet with baby rose buds and lace veil {Victoria's Vintage} $95.00

Vintage 1950s White Tulle Blue-Roses Embroidered Strapless Gown
{Timeless Vixen Vintage} $325.00

vintage 1950s pink tilt topper soutache hat with veil {eBay}

vintage 1960s white lace dress with pink satin sash {Vintage Repeats} $100.00


Keith said…
I really like that blue roses dress. That's beautiful.
Dusty said…
The blue and white evening dress is pure (classic) elegant supper club.

It gives me goose bumps!!!